Entangled Realities - Living with Artifical Intelligence
Artdirection and Book Design. With: Simon Schindele, Simon Knebl. Tag: AI

Handwriting generated by Simon Knebl with the use of recurrent neural networks in TensorFlow, utilizing Grzegorz Opoka’s “handwriting-generation” (https://github.com/Grzego/handwriting-generation), based on Alex Graves paper (https://arxiv.org/abs/1308.0850). © 2018, Grzegorz Opoka, MIT License

Entangled Realities - Living with Artifical Intelligence. With texts by Sabine Himmelsbach, Nora N. Khan, Boris Magrini, Matteo Pasquinelli and Felix Stalder
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In the programme of the HeK, we occupy ourselves with topical
themes and questions focussing on technological developments
and their impact on individuals and society at large. As such, it only seemed natural to take on the subject of artificial intelligence (AI). Considerable hype concerning AI has come about again in recent
years due to the enormous progress it has been able to make thanks
to the increasing abundance of data and heightened computer power. More than ever before, AI accompanies and shapes our everyday existence, penetrating into almost all aspects of life. But where should the focus of an exhibition be placed?
In Entangled Realities, we are above all interested in the realityforming effects of artificial intelligence, its impacts, the already tangible
changes to our environment as well as the deployment of AI as
an artistic instrument. Our curatorial approach in selecting the artists was determined by the intention to show a wide palette of current and conceptually demanding artistic dealings in the area of AI. While the participating artists create new aesthetics and poetic collaborations between art and machines, they also explore such themes as the bias of algorithms or the production of questionable new working conditions. The works on display in the exhibition consequently shed new light on our entangled realities.
> Excerpt of the preface of "Entangled Realities - Living with Artifical Intelligence" by Sabine Himmelsbach and Boris Magrini.