The 3D Additivist Cookbook
Artdirection and Design. With: Alexander Papoli-Barawati, Simon Schindele. Tag: PDF
In March 2015 Morehshin Allahyari & Daniel Rourke released The 3D Additivist Manifesto, a call to push the 3D printer and other creative technologies, to their absolute limits and beyond into the realm of the speculative, the provocative and the weird. The 3D Additivist Cookbook is composed of responses to that call, an extensive catalog of digital forms, material actions, and post-humanist methodologies and impressions. It contains .obj and .stl files for the 3D printer, as well as critical and fictional texts, templates, recipes, (im)practical designs and methodologies for living in this most contradictory of times.

The Laboratory of Manuel Buerger was happy to design this huge PDF/ compendium by developing a template-form which gives each contribution space to show its idea and context. The design is inspired by the aesthetics of activism and maker culture: A bold, clunky font, reminding of the outcome of DIY-3D-prints, is combined with handwritten numbers in a loose, constantly changing layout.

The .obj and .stl files are embedded via the 3D PDF format and can be exported for printing. Download the PDF here.
Excerpt from The 3D Additivist Manifesto:
We call for:
1. The endless repenning of Additivist Manifestos.
2. Artistic speculations on matter and its digital destiny.
3. Texts on:
I. The Anthropocene
II. The Chthulucene
III. The Plasticene.
4. Designs, blueprints and instructions for 3D printing:
I. Tools of industrial espionage
II. Tools for self-defense against armed assault
III. Tools to disguise
IV. Tools to aid / disrupt surveillance
V. Tools to raze / rebuild
VI. Objects beneficial in the promotion of protest, and unrest
VII. Objects for sealing and detaining
VIII. Torture devices
IX. Instruments of chastity, and psychological derangement
X. Sex machines
XI. Temporary Autonomous Drones
XII. Lab equipment used in the production of:
a. Drugs
b. Dietary supplements
c. DNA
d. Photopolymers and thermoplastics
e. Stem cells
f. Nanoparticles.
5. Technical methods for the copying and dissemination of:
i. Mass-produced components
ii. Artworks
iii. All patented forms
iv. The aura of individuals, corporations, and governments.
6. Software for the encoding of messages inside 3D objects.
7. Methods for the decryption of messages hidden inside 3D objects.
8. Chemical ingredients for dissolving, or catalysing 3D objects.
9. Hacks/cracks/viruses for 3D print software:
i. To avoid DRM
ii. To introduce errors, glitches and fissures into 3D prints.
10. Methods for the reclamation, and recycling of plastic:
i. Caught in oceanic gyres
ii. Lying dormant in landfills, developing nations, or the bodies of children.
11. The enabling of biological and synthetic things to become each others prostheses, including:
i. Skeletal cabling
ii. Nervous system inserts
iii. Lenticular neural tubing
iv. Universal ports, interfaces and orifices.
12. Additivist and Deletionist methods for exapting (18) androgynous bodies, including:
i. Skin grafts
ii. Antlers
iii. Disposable exoskeletons
iv. Interspecies sex organs.
13. Von Neumann probes and other cosmic contagions.
14. Methods for binding 3D prints and the machines that produced them in quantum entanglement.
15. Sacred items used during incantation and transcendence, including:
i. The private parts of Gods and Saints
ii. Idols
iii. Altars
iv. Cuauhxicalli
v. Ectoplasm
vi. Nantag stones
16. The production of further mimetic forms, not limited to:
i. Vorpal Blades
ii. Squirdles
iii. Energon
iv. Symmetriads
v. Asymmetriads
vi. Capital
vii. Junk
viii. Love
ix. Alephs
x. Those that from a long way off look like flies.
Morehshin Allahyari and Daniel Rourke, 2015
Read the full manifesto or watch it as a video here.