Best before - A Dsico Fanzine
Another project with Konrad Kuhn, Leo Merz and Dennis Knopf. Special Tag: Forever

Look at that! Silkscreenprinted, handmade, limited. sold out.
"Best before - A Dsico Fanzine" is both hommage and critical examination of Disco culture. It boasts of 52-pages, screenprinted by hand, limited to 250 copies, plus a poster inlay. It contains guest contributions by Bureau Baraque (Germany's "Fanzine No1") and other friends from around the globe...
The title "Best before" indicates that even if the validity of Disco music is long expired, it's still around. Many people consider it dead - while there's all kinds of ghosts that prove it's stayin alive! Who will finally kill it?
Along with the printed issue, we've set up featuring DJ mixes (including guest mixes by our friends Jackmate of Philpot Records and Jonas Natterer, Konrad Kuhn and me as well), a collection of Muppet disco videos, and an enormous archive of our favorite dance tracks.

Design: It's kind of a goofy geek magazine design. Nerdy OCR-A Disco type, mirrored headlines, little design details and a lot of hidden jokes... Different contributions smash the layout and make it diversified. We printed on yellow-white paper with a light black (+ cyan) to create a retro vs. future atmosphere.
"Dsico. So heisst man seit das mitende neuzehnjahrehundert der tunz-tanz-vier-zu-den-boden samstags pimmelparty..." (excerpt from the introduction) Here you go:

The map features a chronological and local Disco development overview:

Dsico Fanzine on Tour:

Konrad and Manuel at HGK Basel, lecture, 2011

Explaning the secrets behind the NYC penis-map
Review at De:Bug#130:Dsico – A Disco Fanzine:
"Disco-Nerds gelten gelegentlich als ebenso funky wie Linux-Administratoren. Sammler, Jäger, Lodenjackenträger mit Pailletten, Bartmuftis mit Fundamentalkoteletten, die Vorurteile kennt jeder. Disco-Leichengräberei kann aber auch funky sein, das zeigt DSICO.
Im klassischen Fanzineformat (nur siebgedruckt) rast das Ding durch scheinbar photokopierte Seiten mit YouTube-Pixeln, Google-Talk-Konversationen, MySpace-Profile, Beat-Analysen, Genreschaubildern, Comics, Geschichten, Quartettspielen mit Divenfaktor und natürlich Anleitungen zum Basteln einer Discokugel. Für Geschichtswahnsinnige, Querköpfe und sonstige Disco-Randfiguren in spe."
-- De:Bug130, Link
Making Of Dsico (photos by Roglok)

Special NYC Edition for Printed Matter:

Disco Education: A Disco Journey
I'm crapping a mic, a painter some disco records and start a basic disco lesson for 3 hours. The journey goes from New York, to Rom, London, SF, Munich and Miami. While explaning the different styles and ages of disco music we listen to different examples.

Disco Education map. Open in Tab for larger view.
Please visit for our TOP69 and great DJ mixes: