transmediale reader – across & beyond
Book Design. A transmediale reader on post-digital practices, concepts, and institutions.
With Stefanie Ackermann. Special Tag: Institutional Narration
This collection of art and theory related to the annual transmediale festival in Berlin analyzes today’s post-digital conditions for critical media practices — moving across and beyond the analog and the digital, the human and the nonhuman.
In keeping with the meaning of the prefix “trans” in the festival’s name, the contributions also move across and beyond the field of media art, staking out new paths for understanding and working in the transversal territories between theory, technology, and art.
> Introduction of the transmediale reader. Published by Sternberg.
The Laboratory of Manuel Bürger was happy to design the long-awaited transmediale reader which spreads out the complexity of transmediale's discourses and its artistic outcome. The layout plays very obviously with dichotomies yet the space inbetween. Essays and artistic distributions go hand in hand - the amount of design-details enriches the transmediale experience, something familiar for visitors of the festival.

A. Imaginaries

B. Interventions

C. Ecologies