Onomatopoeia Magazine
28 pages magazine feat. Vroom, Crash, Bling Bling, Ra-tatatat, Yea-ah, Splash,... Special Tag: Boom

A competition of onomatopoeia
Onomatopoeia is a word or a grouping of words that imitates the sound it is describing, suggesting its source object, such as "peng", "click","oink","boom". (see right column) This magazine features a competition of ten different onomatopoeia: To bring these terms in our every day life I bought three newspapers (BILD, Suedeutsche Zeitung and Spiegel on the 5th December 2006) and searched for articles that fit nicely with each onomatopoeia.
The best story was about a pastor who displaced a NAZI-crowd by ringing the bells of his church. His name was "Pastor Boom"! After choosing the references, so to speak: articles, I developed a picture refering to the arcticles/onomatopoeia and opposed it to the next onomatopoeia on the following side.

More about Onomatopoeia:
"An onomatopoeia or onomatopœia is a word that imitates or suggests the source of the sound that it describes. Onomatopoeia (as an uncountable noun) refers to the property of such words. Common occurrences of onomatopoeias include animal noises, such as "oink" or "meow" or "roar". Onomatopoeias are not the same across all languages; they conform to some extent to the broader linguistic system they are part of; hence the sound of a clock may be tick tock in English, dī dā in Mandarin, or katchin katchin in Japanese."
-- Wikipedia

Whaam! by Roy Lichtenstein, 1963.
"One of the earliest known examples of pop art, Whaam! adapted a comic-book panel by artist Russ Heath from a 1962 issue of DC Comics' All-American Men of War. The painting depicts a fighter aircraft the Lockheed P-80 Shooting Star firing a rocket into an enemy plane, with a red-and-yellow explosion. The cartoon style is heightened by the use of the onomatopoeic lettering "Whaam!" and the yellow-boxed caption with black lettering, "I pressed the fire control... and ahead of me rockets blazed through the sky..."
-- Wikipedia