Corporate Design of Shake Your Tree Edition
Artdirection and Corporate Conception of SYT-Edition. Special Tag: Mutual

The "party!" poster, printed on maculation paper of the edition series,
shows the application of logo and type elements
The logo sign demonstrates the idea of the edition series: 2 artists are telling a story about an overriding topic in seperated parts. Every fanzine is made by an visual artist (graphic, illustration, photo,...) who joins together with a writer (prosa, lyric, science,...) to create a silkscreenprinted, handmade and limited fan/artzine.

So basically, the magazine can be read from 2 sides as the leporello fold binding is demanding for this idea. The inside of the magazine contains information about the people behind the edition, its making and supporters. The visual part is designed by the artist himself, only the layout of the text-part is supported by us.

Visual-Part > Text-Part Cover view
The Shake Your Tree Edition is handmade, silkscreenprinted in Berlin Neukölln, and limited to 250 pieces. See how Hasi International is having his work out:

Photos by Tanja Kernweiss.
We shoot videos for a proper insight of every magazine. They're also the main element of our very minmal website
There are 3 zines out now:
Edition 1: Frank Höhne & Juliane Liebert
Edition 2: Tanja Kernweiss & Ulrike Almut Sandig
Edition 3: Jörg Albrecht & Manuel Bürger
More to come...
Another two posters on maculation paper:

Reviews of SYT- Edition:

"Beeindruckende Siebdruck Magazine"
-- Süddeutsche Zeitung Magazin, 29.09.2010
"So ein Unsinn! Uns gefällt das."
--Vice Magazine, 2.8.2010
"Liebevolle Kollaborationen aus feinster Handarbeit oder kurz gesagt: ein Leckerbissen fürs Auge."
-- Kinki Magazin 29, S.106
"A celebration of the
-- Lodown #73, S.12
- Dead or Alive, A Self Publishing Book Show, Book Fair Frankfurt
- Belvedere, IED, Rom
- Mags We Love, DQE, Köln
- Voco, Lichthof, Neue Universität, Würzburg
- Zine View, The Well Gallery, LCC, London
- Shake Your Tree Edition, .HBC, Berlin
- De Zines, La Casa Encendida, Madrid

De Zines, Madrid
Edition Nr.3 is featured in "Behind the Zines", published by Gestalten

Behind the Zines
Real Homemade:

Frank Höhne is signing

Tanja Kernweiss is glueing