Shake Your Tree #3
Our first SYT book. With: Sebastian Haslauer & Florian Bayer. Special Tag: Fun Is Back

Our first fully coloured book
Book + Fanzine = Shake Your Tree #3 . Having released several fanzines so far, I'd like to present to you the latest product of the ever growing family - our first fully coloured book: Shake Your Tree #3 is colorful on its surface, surprising in its depths: On 200 pages, we have combined illustrations and essays, prose and banal jokes. But look and see:
Bookdesign: This book is separted in TWO PARTS. to separte all these different stuff. We decided to make a very simple and clear design of the first part (Prose with illustration) and some fancy digital d-i-y styles in the second part of the book.
The diversity of our book mirrors the basic idea of Shake Your Tree: Providing an independent platform for emerging artists who want to work off the beaten tracks of the market. A diverse set of artists (about 20!), from renowned laureate to talented newcomer, have contributed to our book, as for example Dragan Espenscheid or Moki.
PART ONE The introduction is my doodeled Shake Your Tree Manifesto:

You also find the collage-series: More simple these days i in the first part of the book.

So basically you can enjoy on the first 116 pages high quality prose and refresh yourself with fine illustrations by Moki (see below), Sebastian Haslauer (Shaker Land), Florian Bayer:

PART TWO 80 Pages Fanzine-Power:

Contributions by Dragan Espenschied (Die zwei lustigen Raver), Tracky Birthday (Pics), Jonas Natterer (Magic Eye) and Dirk Moenkemoeller with his Blubberbiertest.

The Discoghosts: Most important interview in pop history and debut album "BAD" on CD!

Also: The official start-up of our hand-painted t-shirt inc.:

PART ONE, The Book. Schoolbook design with serif-type. Caro-pattern at the beginning of a new prosa or contribution.

PART TWO, Fanzine. Fancy Headline, typewriter type

Reception of Shake Your Tree #3:
"Shake Your Tree (aka Hasi, M-Boy and Flo) are back to deliver more visual extravaganza
and eye-poppin' bliss with their first full colour release: including a huge variety of
graphic stunts by the illustrious Illustration Shakers and their budding buddies..."
--Lodown, 06/08
"'Fun is back,' the forewords headline, applies to the whole book.'"
--form, 07/08
"Handmade und liebevoll verpackt macht es zu Recht neugierig auf das,
was sich im Inneren versteckt."
--, 04/2008
"Eine gelungene Melange für Geist und Auge."
-- Page, 07/08
"Ein buntes Lob der Oberfläche mit überraschendem Kern." 04/08
"Das Buch wirkt wie Kohlensäure für müde Gestaltersynapsen. [...]
Jung und unbekümmert macht es sich bestens als Sommerferienlektüre."
-- De:Bug, 05/08
More informations about the Book Release "World Tour":