A Trip Around The Globe
55487 Miles, 201 Days, 87 Beds. Laboratory Work: Photography. Research: Travel

Candidate for "One of the most exceting people I met so far": Mister Singh, Thar desert, India, Oct.2008

"During the ShakeYourTree World Tour Manu began to fantasize doing a real World Tour.
He talked about it, like everybody does sometimes, when days are tough and you feel
there are more things to see on this planet than your workplace. But suddenly he was away.
Through his flickr-page
we saw him crossing a desert, drinking beer with vietnamese
people, falling in love with japanese girls and taking a sulfur bath with grumpy old men.
We saw him in paradise, climbing mountains, partying with disguised people, learning spanish
in a argentinian one-horse town and although we saw him online everyday we couldn't imagine
where he was and how he was doing.
The day before he would come back Flo had this dream, that we picked him up at the airport
and he had become a big belly, massive muscles and finally completely bold. Now he really is
back and he just looks the same, but he's seen the world."
Thank you Hasi for your beautiful introduction. Much appreciated, though you write 2 lines 2 long - as you can see... I am very glad having done this trip, that's why I think I should show and share some stories and pictures with them who are interested in. Take some time, I hope you get itchy feeds...

Mister Dong, Mai Chau, Vietnam

Hiker Couple, Hakone, Japan

Father, Son & Dog, Cachi, Argentina

Goldnuggets Paul, Te Anau, New Zealand

Mr. Camerldriver, Pushkar, India

II. BEAUTIFUL THINGS I FOUND: Yug from Bundi, India, did for example a nice portrait - me as rasjasthani prince. In a old photoshop in Jaislamer, India, I found this original reprint of a photo from 1921. In Hue, Vietnam, I collected several amazing books: you can see the backcover of one of them down under. And look at this postcard "Burmese Girl"!


1. Probably one of the best print studios in India: "Navrang" printers from Udaipur, India. They were very kind and proud to show me their workspace. Cool guys:

2. Miss Kinotoki has also a business card - she's famous. Every day she climbs up to her pub on Mount Kinotoki(about 500m altitude difference) And she is doing this since 60 years! No joke:

3. Making a plan what to eat for the next couple of days when I set off for a hike was maybe more fun than walking the track...

4. Getting lost is also fun. But since I'm no funny I printed out pictures of my accomondation and searched it by comparing signs and characteristics...

5. Only for the brave! The bull was completley annoyed as there were 3 bulls and only one old cow... Please, recognize the dust in this Jodphur street!

6. Saigon, Vietnam: This dude introduced me to the local horse racing betting system. I really liked his glasses and lost every bet.

7. Tourists & Photomaking. I watched people taking pictures and did a own series of them. The series is called "Still Untitled Series" but maybe I will rename it in "Faaaaacebook". Not sure. Anyway, enyoy some tourists as they are great!

8. I was totally amazed by seeing a ghost while having a hot spa in Hakone, Japan. It was super friendly and asked me for my new business card.

9. I also was totally surprised by a vietnamese restaurant that showed me the use of the semiotic triangle for the first time super clear. Significant (menu card), Significat (thoughts) and actually the steak with pommes.

10. Television is a big thing in remote ares as they still don't have internet and (often) nothing to do. Honestly it looks strange if you see a simple wooden house with a sat-antenna.

12. Apropos televison. This is a screenshot of the japanese weather forecast. I think they can control the weather with this magic stick (see toolbar on the right side).

13. One of the best things you ever can do is riding a (night)train in India. Meet friendly people sharing food with you and enjoy sitting at the open coach door...

14. Time out in Melbourne. I enjoyed 3 wonderful weeks in Melbourne and met so many lovely people. Thanks to Amelia, Jess, Sari, my german fellows Sophie and Julia, Tin & Ed, David, the "WON Magazine" and "Someday" boys and Tom Jeppe!

15. In Tilcara (Argentina) there's something wrong going on. Some dude is spraying "FUNK ROCK" on every corner... And some old poor guy has to clean this, outch! I would like to have met the sprayer from Tilcara...

V. ME "Why are there less pictures of you on your flickr page" my friends asked me. It seems this is important. Here are some for this entry.

5 times Manuel:

Selected Video
Diwali in Udaipur
Tight Landing, NZ
Salesman-Rap, Tokyo
Saigon Ride
Printer, Udaipur
Cool plant, Vietnam
Ritschka Ride, Jaipur