The Discoghosts - BAD
Debut Album, Dance Project. With: Dennis Knopf, Special Tag: For The Ladies

Cover of "BAD"
After invading clubs all over Germany with dancey live performances, the Discoghosts have finally released their debut BAD on UpitUp Records: "The album title BAD says it all; M-Boy and Tracky try to break the taboos of 'good' music, while playing with clichés of club sound like repetition, climax, stupidity, autofilter, and sound fetishism. But most of all, they are having fun with it. Guest appearance by Hasi International™"

Enjoy retarded raps and bad singing by the only "The"-band that deserves the "The"!

Back Cover
BAD is also featured as a CD inside the book Shake Your Tree #3 , along a bogus/bonus interview with the beloved geists. You can also vist us on myspace.

Can you see the geists...
The infamaous "The Discoghosts":

The musical universe of the ghosts:
For the Ladies [HIT]
Can Opener [BEAUTIFUL]
Straight but gayish [Early hit]
Live Imagery of "The Discoghosts":

Photos: Timo Kuhls



Album review of "The Discghosts - BAD":
"New York is spawning many a catchy-tuned electro based band at the moment – meet The Discoghosts, firstly they have a brilliant name, secondly, they do what they say on the tin, this is a disco fest. Their ethos is nicely summed up in their lyrics, “We love ladies and they love us, cos we’re cool and disco plus.” Otherwise known as M-Boy and Tracky, they meant their album title – BAD – literally it seems, rather than a tribute to the King of 80’s pop, as they are apparently, “trying to break the taboos of “good” music, while playing with clichés of club sound like repetition, climax, stupidity, autofilter, and sound fetishism.” I see. This album could be the OST to many an 80’s movie – it’s true, it may be the decade that taste forgot but it produced some pretty good tunes – there are obvious Ghostbusters references ie: track 2 being called Ghostbusters Busters and there’s also hints of the Beverley Hills Cop riffs in there, along with and slinky soul beats, electro voices, rubbish rapping and a guy that sounds suspiciously like the chef from South Park… That’s not to say they’re stuck in the past, their mellower synthetic beats, such as Jellyfish, track 9, have a Hot Chip vibe and that’s not a bad thing at all. If their aim was to produce an awful album – they failed,maybe it’s just that I have a soft spot/great love for the 80’s but I very much enjoyed this, catchy, listenable songs that don’t take themselves seriously. My favourite line, from Straight but Gayish (sung by a high electro voice), “your boyfriend’s hetro but he looks homo.”-- Jennifer McNulty, A-Mag
Viral: Tribute to Mr. Shake It Up
Live Footage:
The first appearance: Times Square Concert, in 2006:
More about "Media is a sausage here: Link