Lodown #75
Artdirection of Ldwn#75. Research: Mutual, Awareness. Special Tag: Complexity ☢

#75 comes in a two covers edition
"The collective practice of Internet-aware blogging and art has been evolving a new language to imagine, anticipate and engage with the descending reality and its horizons." Katja Novitskova, Post Internet Survival Guide, 2010
In the end of 2010 I was asked to design a whole issue of Lodown Magazine which is/was defintitely one of my design-childhood dreams. For getting the full Laboratory spirit into the issue I suggested the "Best of Both Worlds" theme, a guideline throug the magazine: The offline culture is opposed to the online culture, or both going hand in hand to reflect new possibilities in doing and thinking great. As Lodown Magazine more or less missed out modern, sophisticated digital culture so far, this easy and simple introduction to some artists, basic ideas and themes might pushed the magazine into new spheres.

Lodown Readers might experience the power of a tag system
Therefore the magazine starts with a juxtaposition of "Surfing" culture. The comparsion of wave surfing and internet surfing shows similar aspects of living "it". An examination in history, inventors, shapes, terms, signs, spirit,... Get some taste on the righten column. If you are intersted in this, order a back issue here: $LODOWN$

My surf-examination is one of 2 foldout posters. see right column...
I.Starting with an interview with Jon Rafman, the first part introduces the "Best of Both Worlds" theme throughout art and music with an emphasis of "internet aware" works:

"I still agree that certain formal aspects are important but new technological and artistic developments create a new freedom and re-infuse a new energy into old mediums." Jon Rafman

Amazed by the simple poetry of everydays art/meme blogging culture I contributed also this article to LDWN#75

Featuring also most favorite painter Travess Smalley
The fancy and colorful "Soundfiles" part with its attached syntheziser article about analog & digital aestehtics in synth music relates to the theme as well:

Honest words by Tracky Birthday who writes about the failure of online labels.
II.The "Black & White Zine" comes with an "on the xerox" look:

Featuring also best dude Thomas Jeppe
III.After enjoying the second fold-out poster with Sebastian Haslauer's star explosion and the Nike Lunar experience, the second part finsihes the "BOBW" idea with hyped artist duo "Aids 3d" and epic work of Katsumi Hayakawa:

Intersting views on contemporary on&offline art in reference to Aids 3d - written by Johannes Thumfart

True Marok style: (DIY) Drones research + article

Finally :-)
The Best of Both Worlds - A Juxtaposition of Surfing:

(Wifi) Surfing
For Lodown#75‘s theme of on-&offline worlds I examined both surfing cultures. In its orginal form its a foldout poster (see left). And this is some of its content:

First Web Server
This NeXT Computer was used by Tim Berners-Lee at CERN and became the world’s first Web server in 1991

Early Adopters
When Mark Twain visited Hawaii in 1866 he wrote, “In one place we came upon a large company of naked natives, of both sexes and all ages, amusing themselves with the national pastime of surf-bathing.”
The on- and off-line world still debates who should be credited for the invention of (modern) surfing:

Ted Nelson
born 1937
Nelson coined the term “hypertext”, a model for creating and using linked content, in 1963 and published it in 1965. He is calling the HTML of the Web technology a big fail as links go outward only and “quotes you can’t follow to their origins.”

Duke Kahanamoku
His surfing exhibition at Sydney’s Freshwater Beach in1914 is widely regarded as a seminal event in the development of surfing in Australia. He is credited with spreading the sport of surfing worldwide due his popularity as professional swimmer as well.

Tim Berners-Lee
born 1955
Berners-Lee and his team are credited with inventing the original HTT Protocol along with the HTML and the associated technology for a web server and a text-based web browser. He proposed the “WorldWideWeb” project/term in 1989.

George Freeth
“The man who can walk on water” is often credited as being the „father of modern surfing“. In 1907 Freeth was brought to California from Hawaii, to demonstrate surfboard riding as a publicity stunt. His life is a contribution to surfing and lifeguarding.
3. Term/ Definition:

The Surf Mum: Jean Polly invented the term “Internet Surfing” in 1992
“In casting about for a title for the article, I weighed many possible metaphors. I wanted something that expressed the fun I had using the Internet, as well as hit on the skill, and yes, endurance necessary to use well. I also needed something that would evoke a sense of randomness, chaos, and even danger. I wanted something fishy, net-like, nautical.”
-- Jean Polly, Surfer
>>Reaction>> “To the ears of real ocean wave surfers, the phrase grates like fingernails on a chalkboard.”
-- Ted Deits, Surfer
4.Spirit of Surfing

“Kelly watch the stars”, Kelly Slater, 10x Worldchamphion
“When I was young I surfed because Kelly Slater did it. I surfed because it was hyped. I surfed because it got chicks. I surfed because it was the party... And I got all those cool things and they all just became ‘stuff’. It’s all about the feeling I get from riding waves... That first wave is the reason I think everyone keeps going back.”
-- Andy Irons, RIP

Pro-Surfer Parker Ito in high- spirituality-mode. ~ jstchillin.org ~
“As I have gathered from watching some of the great surfers of our time at work, surfing is the balance of making choices and being led. Surfing is being led by the wave as you make your choices. The wave stirs up gifts, and it is the ability of the great surfer to recognize his or her arrival
at a worthy gift.”
-- Kevin Bewersdorf, spiritsurfers.net

Hawaiian obama: Hang Loose Swag
Hang Loose: Hawaiian locals use the shaka to convey what locals in Hawaii call the “Aloha Spirit”, a gesture of friendship and understanding between the various ethnic cultures. It can also be used to communicate notions such as: all right, cool, smooth and the like.

Proper WWW Swag
WWW: Easy as it looks, no instruction books: The WWW surfers adopt the Westside sign straight outa California’s Hip Hop culture. It can stand also for a Website: “Cross your fingers make your hand look like a W and holla Websiiiiite”(trackybirthday.com)
6. Noob vs. Kook:

Begginer for life
The word KOOK is one of the most hurtful words in surfing. To be called a kook means that you can’t surf well, have a terrible style, talk trash, or even snake your fellow surfers. Maybe you do all these things at once. The problem is that it seems that the worst kooks of them all don’t realize the extent of their own kookdom.
A NOOB is annoying, excessively stupid, ignorant, selfish and suck balls! Usually it‘s a person who is new or inexperienced in a subject - but not confuse noobs with newbs, who are inexperienced players that tend to be more mature and strive to become better.
7. Dictonary:
- Snaking/Back-Paddling: Paddling around someone to get into the best position for a wave (in essence, stealing it).
- Phishing: Obtain private or sensitive information such as user names, passwords and credit card information through the use of fake emails from trustworthy sites.
- Duck Dive: Pushing the board underwater and diving under an oncoming wave instead of riding it.
- Egosurfer: Someone who searches the internet for references of himself.
- Drop in: Engaging the wave, most often as part of standing up.
- Fail: Expresses an ability to incorrectly perform acts ranging from idiotically simple to impossibly difficult, often consisting of an amusing element.
- Win: Expresses an ability to perform an otherwise impossible act through pure luck or a statement that constitutes an amusing or amazing element.
- Off the Hook: The surfspot is of a good size, shape and look.
- Over the Falls: When a surfer falls and the wave carries him in a circular motion with the lip of the wave, also referred to as the “wash cycle”and being “sucked over”.
- Hang Heels: Facing backwards and putting the surfers’ heels over the edge of a longboard.
- Friending: Describes the act of making and adding friends online through social networking sites.
- Troll: Someone who attempts to gain infamy in chat or on forums by disturbing links, bashing with others, copying or mimicking other’s real posts into perverted messages.
- Grom: Young surfer (anyone younger than you)
8. Greatest Waves?

The Great Wave by Katsushika Hokusai, 1930

No good surfing, Google Wave, 2009
9. Famous Surfclubs:
10. Best Research Experience:

teahupoo, tahiti
See Larry Hamilton rides Teahupoo. You Tube
All sources are easy to google.