Die Müllerstraße - Das Magazin
Design of a documentation-magazine. With: Axel Völker (Artdirection). Research: Vernacular

Party! "Die Müllerstrasse" features a massive variety of the live on Wedding's main street, which is declared as development area.
Once called "Ku'damm of the North", Berlin's districht "Wedding" and its main street "Müllerstrasse" has its peculiar and unique coloring - a place of high contrasts. People from 173 nationalities call this place their home - different backgrounds and milieus meet within 3,5 kilometers.
This hefty dose poses conflicts: while offering many opportunities the district is characterized by a high density of social problems and unemployment. Major renovation are needed in schools, day care centers and recreational facilities.
In early April 2011 Müllerstrasse declared as redevelopment area. Chance or destiny? Either or this magazine is a documenation of what happens there right now, shows its current state: in peoples home, around the neighborhood, at workplaces and shops. Commisoned by the senate of Berlin the editorial stuff of "Der Wedding" realised this 132 pages strong release which gives an intense view of the whole street.

The envelope of the magazine features a foldable map on the backside - "The Navigator through the magazine". It spreads over 4 pages (front and the back) and shows the places of all stories in a grid.
Design Approach: After studying Müllerstrasse in several walks and old photographs we picked a mix of vernacular elements to combine it with clean german design, which you would exspect of a documentation for the city's senate. The percentage of photo distributions is quite high as the guys of "Der Wedding" own a big archive of great documentations. Also the percentage of the color red is high - on the street and so in the magazine.
Division: The magazine is divided in three parts. "Draußen" (outside), "Drinnen" (inside), "Dazwischen" (in between). "Draußen" features stories and footage of the public appearance. "Drinnen" offers a look into the houses and livings and features people's old and new businesses. "Dazwischen" hits the space in between the other chapters with - for example - a report on the old market hall (r.i.p.) which was a bubble/world for itself. Or the birth of the Casino culture which forms a new face of the street and also tells about the social dimension of what to exspect there.

Part(y)1:"Draußen" offers a view on the street and it's public life and architecture.

Part(y)2:"Drinnen" offers a view on peoples life around Müllerstrasse.

Part(y)3:"Dazwischen" offers a view on things that influences the outside and inner life of the street.

Visual Research and Reviews:
Take a ride through Müllerstraße
Review on Slanted:
"In gut recherchierten Reportagen, spannenden Porträts und interessanten Interviews, in großzügigen Fotostrecken und aufwendig gestalteten Illustrationen beschäftigt sich das Magazin »Die Müllerstraße« mit den Besonderheiten und Wesenszügen der Hauptgeschäftsstraße. Es begleitet die Menschen auf der Straße, in Geschäften, im Café und Wohnzimmer und erzählt – unmittelbar und geradeaus – von ihren alltäglichen Erfahrungen, Problemen, Erwartungen und Ideen. Mit einem Blick für das Kleine im Großen konserviert das Magazin den Zeitgeist einer Straße."
> Slanted, 23.07.2011
Review of the official launch party:

Visual Research on street view (Open pictures in new tab for bigger view):