alien matter
Design for the exhibition catalogue of transmediale ever elusive.
With: Alexander Papoli-Bawarati, Simon Schindele. Special Tag: Intelligent Matter

“Alien matter” refers to man-made, and at the same time, radically different, potentially intelligent matter. It is the outcome of a naturalization of technological artifacts.
Environments shaped by technology result in new relationships between man and machine. Technical objects, previously defined merely as objects of utility, have become autonomous agents. Their capacity to learn and network throws into question the previously clear and dominant division between active subject and passive object. 30 exhibiting artists from Berlin and around the world presented works about shifts within such power structures, raising questions about the state of our current environment and whether it has already passed the tipping point, becoming “alien matter.” Content-wise, the works clustered around four thematic focal points: Artificial intelligence, plastics, infrastructure, and the Internet of Things—subcategories that are deemed to merge into the nascent great machine and thereby, to speak with Günther Anders, are future obsolete.
> From the introduction of the alien matter exhibition brochure
alien matter was currated Inke Arns.

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Exhibition Catalog/ Essays:
With an introduction by Inke Arns (currator) and essays by Nora N. Khan, Elvia Wilk, Daniel Rourke, and Eugene Thacker.
Aliens in Green
Xenopolitics #1: Petro-bodies
and Geopolitics of Hormones, 2017
Morehshin Allahyari &
Daniel Rourke with Ami Drach
& Dov Ganchrow, Joey Holder,
Kuang-Yi Ku
The 3D Additivist Cookbook, 2016–17
Constant Dullaart
DullDream, 2017
Ignas Krunglevičius
Hard Body Trade, 2015
Mark Leckey
Joep van Liefland
Video Palace #44 – The Hidden
Universe, 2017
Jeroen van Loon
An Internet, 2015
Nicolas Maigret &
Maria Roszkowska with Jonathan
Beilin & Magnus Pind Bjerre
Predictive Art Bot, 2017
Katja Novitskova
Swoon Motion, 2015
Sascha Pohflepp
Recursion, 2016
Johannes Paul Raether
Protekto.x.x., 2017
Evan Roth
Burial Ceremony, 2015/17
Suzanne Treister
HFT The Gardener, 2014–15
Addie Wagenknecht
Internet of Things,
No. 1–3, 2015
Addie Wagenknecht
XXXX.XXX, 2014
Plastic Raft of Lampedusa,
Artwork on view at DAZ
Köpenicker Str. 48–49, Berlin
Pinar Yoldas
Artificial Intelligence for
Governance, the Kitty AI, 2016