World Of The News
Research newspaper for reSource. With: Timm Häneke, Till Wiedeck. Special Tag: Fail Better

World of the News, News of the Screws
“Starting from the assumption that the increasing commercialisation of the contexts of sharing and networking is transforming the meaning of art and participation, then how do artists, activists and hackers respond critically?”, Tatiana Bazzichelli, reSource programm

street kiosk in Mumbai, Mahalaxmi: "Good selling of World Of The News"
The idea of Aarhus University & transmediale to publish the results of their research programm “reSource” in a 32 pages newspaper is easily described with a quote by Herbert Marcuse: “Being theory as well as practice, political practice, education today is more than discussion, more than teaching and learning and writing. Unless and until it goes beyond the classroom, until and unless it goes beyond the college, the school, the university, it will remain powerless.”
Coming with the idea to design the newspaper in the appearance of a popular, tabloid and highly in/compatible newspaper (so to speak News Of The World) the design questions also the working enviroment of research practices in über commercial times. Especially the cover takes its origin from the last issue of the News Of The World - the reinterpretation switches only the typeface of the proper logo and replaces the single newspaper titles with images of the cloudy sky for a recontextualisation to the transmediale 2k+12’s festival theme.
“It is in this context that the in/compatible research newspaper provides a new platform for knowledge exchange, and research across disparate fields of practice. It provides an insight into current research from academics, practitioners, and Ph.D. students working in/with in/compatibility, the 2012 transmediale festival theme. As such, the newspaper constitutes a thematic publication for the festival, and is an attempt to extend a media art festival like transmediale into a research context. [...] So, although this may seem like old news in many ways, in terms of research practices, it breaks with some of the current academic conventions of peer-review, academic reputation, and what constitutes proper scholarly activity.” - from the editors

Featuring Promised Land

A proper newspaper: Printed by NewspaperClub, London

World of the News, first and last issue
About Today‘s News Making:

Rupert Murdoch
The public inquiry according to the phone hacking scandal of the “News of the World” released a report concluding that Murdoch “exhibited wilful blindness to what was going on in his companies and publications,” and stated that he was “not a fit person to exercise the stewardship of a major international company.” A state of incompatibility for running one of the biggest international newspapers.

Colin Myler with the last issue of "News of The World"
The News of the World (1843-2011, also known as “News of the Screws”) was at one time the biggest selling English language newspaper in the world. As sunday edition of the „Sun“ it also concentrated on celebrity-based scoops and populist news. Since 2006 allegations of phone hacking began to engulf the newspaper. With Today’s investigations it is certain, that more than 7.000 people had their phones hacked by the News of the World. According to a former reporter at the paper, “Everyone knew. The office cat knew,” about the illegal activities used to scoop stories.

In early 2011 The Guardian reported that Glenn Mulcaire, a private investigator paid by the paper, testified that he had been asked by the newspaper’s leadership to hack voicemail accounts on its behalf. It was later revealed that News of the World reporters had accessed Milly Dowler voicemail while she was reported missing and was later found murdered. Police detectives discovered their journalists had deleted some messages – potential evidence – in Dowler’s voicemail box because it was full, thus freeing up space for new messages, which they could listen to.
The resulting outcry from the British public contributed to the closure of the newspaper and led to a range of investigations and inquiries into phone hacking and media ethics, and not just at the News of the World. The last edition of the “News of the Screws” was published on the of july 2012.
In the paper’s final editorial, the unsigned statement says that “Phones were hacked, and for that this newspaper is truly sorry... there is no justification for this appalling wrongdoing.” This more than bad excuse, which can’t be taken serious shows the incompatibility of this newspaper or rather questions the ethic and methods of research in gerneral.